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on plgaerizing braincake by michael more and leinfeld?
who plagerized us?
it is mostlyadam sowflakes work onbraincake.
ih yes on it being public domain. it isnt. you didnt speak that lagnauge. its something caleld coyprightt weirlder same with adams lincese. most of hisbooks are copyright.
copyright types and falvors.
the seven flavors of fiction.
who we are brainacke productions.
who stole our work?
who really worte harry potter and what went wrong?
who really wrote hoemstuck? both of them but hussie plagerized half of it with a trace and stoleadams art style for the comic poorly. its fine if you like it. adam does. but its his authorship hussie because he likes him if he wants to keep it is only an ilustrator. and halfway as a penmensehips.
what is penhmenships?
what is authorship?
why were we absent?
kevin or reily?
rule of thumb in something caleld econimcs.
ator theory.
shark tanks.
we like elderly not this way. and were shutting down vr chat and loreil as braincake productions.
chibisona and braincaekproductions.
yeah boy.
awe man.
it shouldall be rree unless has stolen from us.
on this accoutn ghostinthesehll and thatindiegamer or brainacke. with teh dollie dollie nook noko icon.
traces and lifts.
you can just steal an idea from a napkin. we have proof she did.
its fine. you signed up for honest geomancy tempaltes.
onshutting down the hillywood show? Yeah no it stole a franchsie from us. those parodies were ours and they said it was her when it wasnt. she stole our idenity. and its because we wer ebasically in a coma ourselves. and its her fault the nuclear war happenda sa result cus we repsent united nations acutally.
so its not sutpiad and a protocual so it happened.
no adam snowflake has doucmented arhcins no oneclaimed to behim falsely and he does not steal orimeprsoante identiites hes just notalways the style of language you are and you said you spoke his verse.
so its caleld arhcins and you can read about it here. its csomtihng caleld a reborn disorder.
no brainacke is not cults. we are secretly jduisam and paganry and chrisnaity as a front and its ruqeieed for all religioins.
so yeah um that.
acrians lokcet does run braincek please stop curing yeshua the rabi you are nowunder brendon herats code.
yes we do not run watch mojo but are going to start collabing with them as moji is our company head.
yes we did take mario cart, from like nintendo they stole it and our format, of my sisms racing.
it was first you need to know that about photos.
no adam snowflake is a cisgender hetersoexual white olive skin male. he has adisorder where he chagnes alot and other countires would call you sleeping with a man normal hetero sex you needt o understand that. and adam goes to those countries.
types of gender.
tyeps of fetish.
the gender and sexuality handbook is on this post by ned froster.
it is an archive for gality? no its just our latetst projects, we started in galitay the first ever time period which is a sumerization of the name 20th century time travel america in way sof hope in murde rin howshe wrote this by nature of galiath in things in misery which he wroet instead regarding the gender of ours hearts we call evilbrendon of morgan opolis which ewuates to things so our name. Galitah (Galitay) its a cool time period.
for that carhive is here.
anyways we run and games.comand does not just host video games as games are no longer what they are called. No they arent' playbleexperiences and thats raicst to say for ovbious reasons we cant stand extra credits.
it was our show mirahcel and them stolewith a squaly voiced adam snolfwkae whorunsius.
good i liketheircomenteary? no you probably liked ours. our show was plagued by the pink girl maichels illness in art and we had no arms for our characters. tehy rpied us off heavily and had an identiy tehive of james rmoreity. who is shlarock holmesses brother kevin oreily you need to fuck off royaly.
you didn tknow tthat.
we did do docuemtneries in the bibles time periods.yeah we taped it. we caleld it all isnanitythearg and then gave it to other ereligionslike shinto its somethin caleld an analgoue.
no we will not rpove god to you that is the point of those one off hawukifilms that taped josephs diary logs from the multicloreed dream caot and the new sof rameses in their. we dont rpove our religion. that is a dirty dirty rumor and you proabbyl ar ebecomignneo nazi cus you think that.
yes wed love to hire onisionspeaks.we dont think hes insnae with his religion. and yes lakaty well do your religion its here for you onlyin your madess will you get it. we just want and its fine its godo its cool.
yes we did reate and own spiritual coypright of elecards? what even is that.
no all jews enjoy braincake your suposed to take andchoose form gods hibad and cant lie about it anai geshem and hti si that. we rent a religious company. we make stuipd movies and video games and shit as a llc that cant be taxted under the presdiencyies act and neiter can our creaotr.
no we aranged that lwa to be out of spite.
no its medical malapractice to prescribe our guy medicine. and not lean him off andi ts a test for nuckelar awars towmorow.
yes he does adorn his pateints they are acualyl reversed tehre andits not evila s our creator.
what even is charity? because the turth is were jduisasm only one? But it runs millions?Yes they belongtous. and how it works.
we dont care. theirsa caroted case guy we did a doceumnteryonnamed gody jamsesoen jones lehim and he runs the company via his carots and impritns and echoes and spiritual bullshit with his son adam snowflake thats it and then the ceo temproarily like soon to be oriely or oinision or whoever andsideny lewis. we just hope when ehs earned it again ehll say yes.
yes we produced the toyline and beta powered and ewaverly sets they previemre today.
our blueprints are on this file. pleaes for the love of god hatesex.
and yeahwe wrote homestuck not hussie but its fine it just needs its first adapation to be a musical.
he cant say no and no its called a rory presence or program forpeople with anmeisnia and yo uhave to sign up and pass tests to do adam snowflake or your suied for millions like hillywood highschool her full name.
we created lacefront wigs,human hair wigs are ilelga for godoreason.
its fine your really supposed to make more plasticaly older women under that cateory on websites with a disclaimer. if you dont do that your shut down.
no honeycolor will blind you. it says so in korean on its website. its for blind and deaf people wanting to be blind alone. Pinky Paradise sells blindfolds and ais that make it look likeyour computer has wings. which means they will sell you software for your camers and stuf fto digitally remove your blindfold with somethign called deepfakes thenblindfolds they arent a contact lense site. only stupid blind people like myself think that and we enjoy thinking that.
blindfolds are the new straight jacket.and yes we run someting caleld its the fine catelog and satn for babies and its fine since were now a front for satnism.
whatever. we dont mind temu is now ours and it isnt what you think it is..
its ifne. its i owe you enjoy the fancy thing gifts or weird stuf fi hand made once.its not a curiio shop we patened.
and yes will and yes boy we made prortals for you love your friend adam!
what is an internet archive or protal?
no wwbm (way way back machine)does actually have videos and links emebeded it jsut takes a fewyears it caneven save youtube vidoes andchanels its fine!
no we cancled wmm its to dangerous to have a hypnosis fetish. we kept it around through this. but you need to understand their were files like fucked by a dog, and baseket baller body ontheir that caused real rape and terorism.
its a good stie but you need to understand emg and anon5 are thesame personwho run our stie and he jsut doesnt often voice act his files. you need voice lessons if you are to do files and their supoesd to have a spirital. one of our games is spiral maker. you can do vocie over it has to bea secxy voice or hypnosis is rape or a raobotic one and no one there was actualyl attracgive. well what are you looking for english or americanaccent only or hypnosis is used to rape with what it is you need to know that you astraullio nnbunker.
we are suing vive hpynosis hard core for rape and identity tehfit of teh pupeteer who is anon5 on that stie.
nikki emas mustnow chagne her name to niki emmas.and remove her tarot card thefgt.
savlina is their punishment.
and yes we do now run seeme rott which means were shononitcan as a front. we dont mindwhat is is we love our freind leroy the god hentai.
what are gods?
so religions have people sometimes active weve been docementing them on somethingcaleld toast and godspell for you?
no ifyour pagan the god cant lie about beingthe god. people can onlystael that asumption and acomplishement and go alongwithit and never say they are taht.and um. that applies to all religions.y ou cant lie abotu being god.adam loved the song you wrote from his perespcetive boburnham. its not time traced like you want. anyways. cant wait to meet my puppy bo adam says exicting as the rose kid their with the brain thing. and yeah um that shit is real.
so we run lodges all of htem tehcially belognto us cus we run acrians locket.
no its insulting to say braincake productions property. it is a thing we allow if your a former rapist or nazi alone. if you offer that yourdead meet.
so yeah were braincake producitosn what do we do? entertainment and educationalone. we are not repsernation matters. we jus tpu tblack people on screen and dont shun them away. please get a fucking grip amanda chan you never worked for us. onyl adam did whoby that time changed hisbrithname amanda. and never did that mockery of his own show adnvetures of a duelsti. it is only forhim to do with hard criteria you didnt meet. transtiion on the show. play more then yugio. make up a card game which is now reuqried for like only you. and wear a shitty emo outfit and you can do it personally with what you got wrong adndonateit all to charity you money hungry sicneitollgy bitch.
whatis birthday 25 and adventures of ad eulsit?
no theonl personthinking that is adam snowflake. the parodies are now going to jail millions of peopleand we dont care. itsfor itnernaltioal trade union and on that.
so yeah whats a doceumtenry?
whats a ficitonal movie?
whats found footage?
why do we pretend one fo thoseis fake?
whats acting and actors?
the problemw ith backstage and casting call clih ab and why were cancellign them both eventhough we treid and taking theirnames and ruls.
undertale and how to play it.
and yeah how to play bendy and the ink machine.
how to play protal.
you fucked over our games and amesia the dark decent..
thats fine but itson you as a player as to why your a fake game bro.
tumblr the osmosis.thefafnciton where afriac is real as thekingdomdiaries.
no it just fucking is.
the map thing.
the biology and anatomything.
the compilation thing.
even if thats werid and using werid terms im realyl really sory you belvei bullshit like fallout new vegas is real kind of was. we did really jsut do mk ultra.thatwas a thingthat happend as our branch of govemernt.
yes project adam is real. and not theryan renolds movie of a poor transltion dub. even if adam did play wise. tahts a myth of genwa he stole for a movie adam particapted in not knowing they cant keept ht athe title or he can no longer be an acotr.
your destoring humans and careers?were suposed to they are destorying millionsof lives withmisonfo.
so what is this?
a game compilationand project archive caleld a gallery. includign library with daddy and doplhins musum.
i want to burn it you said that was fine. no we didnt.y ou dontknow what we said and heard that.
yeah that was nasty. this is how its supsoedto be done and why they raped adam withjonie beans soda over it.
and history obltierates.
weown himalton disney plus is not ofifcal to our substary ocmpany diseny and they dont own it.
we are the onwers of disney.
they stole alot same with disney channel.
bythe way were reachingand end of anion.
about the preojcts.
lastly how they were stolen.
and why we doucndt fight ita s the front of the untied natinosand what happenda sa result.
tis fineits just neil gaimen cant go to retreats or get medicine now. and can onlywriet loterry raffles and his books are recredtied to philfine who he stole the idenity of who is dream smp. who he met at one once.
itsokay he treid to murder adam and forced him to go missing. were still pressingcharges.
what was galitay in feelgn adn tone nad vareince?
whodid we employ?
Why do we keep makign this art?
how does it fund the world?
what did steal?
wht happens if theyshut off our acuont?
good so we now know its all tied tosales of snowboarder8 tis not free it costs money this one game.
andtahts it. and it is proejcted on pikachu.
the end.
enjoy oru work.
pride and predjuce and zombies
the history of carl sandberg.
and whyi loved you last summer.
Status | Released |
Author | Braincakesan. |
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